Find out where my order is
Shoes Megastore is a part of the Ltd. global stores network. The Fruugo group policies below apply to Shoes Megastore.
If your order hasn’t arrived yet, please check your delivery information by:
- Checking your shipping confirmation email for estimated delivery dates.
- Checking your shipping confirmation email to ensure the delivery address provided is correct.
- If your order was sent using a tracked delivery service, check your shipping emails, click on the link to our tracking portal and check on the delivery status.
If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and you have still not received your item, please contact the retailer to let them know.
Top tips: We recommend checking with a neighbour or with your local delivery office before contacting the retailer. In some countries once the parcel is handed over to the local postal services, you may be required to collect it from a local collection point.
To contact the Retailer, either:
- Visit our interactive Help Centre (by clicking back a page) and answer some quick questions to send a message to the retailer directly or
- Login to your Fruugo Account, view your orders and click ‘Raise order enquiry’ to send a message to the retailer directly.
We expect our retailers to respond to you within 48 hours. Please inform the retailer of any delayed or missing orders within a reasonable period of time.
What if I don’t have a shipping confirmation email?
It’s possible that your order has not yet shipped, if the estimated dispatch date on your order confirmation email has passed, please use our interactive Help Centre or login to your Fruugo account to contact the retailer and find out the status of your shipment.
If you haven’t received any emails from Fruugo after checking out, it’s possible that you accidentally entered an incorrect email address during checkout, please use our interactive Help Centre which will guide you to the help you need to get this situation resolved.
What if I entered an incorrect or incomplete delivery address during checkout?
A complete and accurate address is critical for successful delivery. An incomplete or inaccurate address will either cause significant delay, the parcel being returned to sender or the parcel being deemed as lost. Message the retailer using our Help Centre or through your Fruugo account as soon as possible with the correct information to see if they can rectify with the courier.
Unfortunately we’re not able to accept liability for a lost parcel if you input an incorrect or incomplete address, and you will not be refunded in this event.
If the address you supplied is still valid albeit not your address: the package may be delivered to that address and it’s your responsibility to recover the goods.
In this event, and where a retailer is happy to reship your goods to the correct address, it will be at your expense. Where a retailer will not reship the goods, you will be refunded for the cost of goods.